doors were at 7:00pm and Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean went on at 7:15pm! way sooner than expected but fortunately i was rushing there after work to try to make doors. i was still a little late so got there right after they started.
stage lighting was fucked up most of the night until they fixed it for Agriculture, and venue staff rushed us out pretty quick after Agriculture finished their set, don’t love it when venues do that.
i love that i keep getting to see LEYA on metal bills. last time i saw them was supporting Uniform’s record release show, one of my favorite shows i went to last year. they are phenomenal, and they’re gonna be playing a bunch this year so check ‘em out.
Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean and Agriculture are such an interesting pairing, they are almost opposite ends of the bleakness spectrum. CTTBO is pitch black heaviness, and Agriculture is the most joyful black metal i’ve ever heard. i loved this bill, and glad I got to see them play again at Subterranean Dissonance in Philly this past weekend. i’ll write something up about that once i make it through the 3,000 photos i took. go birds.
also: the knuckle tattoos say “SUNBLIND”. you’ll know what i mean when you scroll down.


Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean